Our Mission
Develop and empower leaders through meaningful connections and transformative experiences.
Our programs are designed with three key educational theories in mind in support of extending the NJ Dept of Education’s Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills learning standards through summer programming.
Experiential Learning
Inspired by David Kolb's approach, we believe in 'learning by doing.' We create immersive environments for real-life experiences, enabling students to acquire vital career readiness and life skills. This iterative learning process fosters growth and drives transformative learning outcomes
Challenge & Support
We use a balanced approach that promotes resilience and adaptability, referencing Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice. Students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, while a supportive environment ensures optimal personal and academic growth. This blend fosters a nurturing setting for developing future leaders.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Incorporating the 'Whole Child' approach, our programs prioritize both academic and emotional competencies. SEL cultivates empathetic, socially aware leaders with the skills to manage emotions, build relationships, and make responsible decisions
Our Values